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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

East Coast: New England Sharks: Blue Shark


Blue Shark

Blue Shark Picture

These guys swim deep in the water so you're not very likely to see them frequently. They are one of the few fastest sharks and grow to about 4 meters long (12 feet or so). One thing to note about these species they give birth like humans by the pup growing inside of them unlike having dolphin purses like other sharks. When I was younger I was led to believe by a friend that only a Sand Tiger and a Nurse shark only gave birth like humans but that is false. Blues can also have a big liter of pups the max being at least about 100...that's a lot of pups! (for better idea of numbers look at the article below!)

A cool thing about Blues is that they will actually travel in groups. Basking Sharks will do it too sometimes, but Blues will hang out with fellow Blue Sharks their size. These Blue Sharks in groups or maybe sometimes alone, will go after squid to eat or small fish. They can be dangerous to humans because you're in their territory and they don't like that so if I saw one I'd give it space.

Another thing about Blue Sharks I would like to point out is that they mate aggressively. Basically what Blues will do and other sharks is bite the female and turn her on her dorsal (back) side. So if you're ever diving and see a female shark with a bunch of bites on her, it's from the mating.

This is a White Tip but I thought I would bring up some anatomy now and so you know, these are claspers so this is a male White Tip.

Blue Shark Picture 2

The picture above showing what a Blue Shark looks like, looks to be a female.

I hope you enjoyed this installment of a Blue Shark, please comment on this posts and others giving me your thoughts and vote on the side if you found this information useful.

For more information: Blue Shark Info~ Click on me!


  1. What's your second favorite shark?

    1. My second favorite shark is the Hammerhead because their anatomy is very interesting!

  2. Are these sharks endangered? Are there shark species that are more endangered than others?

    1. I believe that Blue Sharks are not endangered, but if people keep fishing for them they will be. I just did a Google search to confirm my beliefs and they aren't because Shark Fin hunters don't really go for them. There are sharks species that are more endangers than others one of them being Hammerheads. Hammerheads were very sought out for their fins, haven't learned why, but when I did a project for Shark Finning, in a graph they were the ones depleted than the others.

  3. What programs are out there to help sharks and what problems are they facing?

    1. There are a bunch of programs out there. There are scientists trying to do more research to see where sharks go to create conservation sites and then groups like community groups trying to educate and stop Shark Finning. Problems sharks are facing is Shark Finning, but I've heard that Shark Finning is starting to finally stop but it was a huge problem for the longest time. Now sharks just face the problem of commercial fishing because sharks can be used for other things like cosmetics and even medicines for arthritis.
