I will get to the shark posts, but since I am drawing closer to when I get to present this blog, I realized I never talked about the first shark I saw and why I wanted to be a Marine Biologist. So here is the story:
So I am 6 years old and my family takes my brother and I to the New England Aquarium and like any other child I am wicked excited. One thing I remember was seeing this sharks swimming around and it's HUGE! Mind you I am like 4 feet tall at this age so everything is big anyway. So I watch this shark swim around and to me it looks like it's yellow. Then my family went over to the other exhibits and then we left that aquarium with a giant stuffed dolphin because I was in love with those creatures back then. But, I still kept thinking about how I saw that yellow shark. Since I kept thinking about the yellow thing I saw, I told all my friends at school. They all told me what? It couldn't have been yellow! You're crazy. Well at least they said something like that. So I was a little sadden, but I thought the shark was so cool. I learned later on in my life that what I saw was........
So after that I went through a phase of dolphins and I loved them! But then around middle school I started to think about that "yellow" shark again. I started to remember how most kids would be scared, but I wasn't. Maybe at first but I was standing there fascinating in it's yellow glory. As I kept thinking about it I decided that I still wanted to be a Marine Biologist but instead of dolphins, I wanted to study them sharks. Then I realized I wanted to hug one too.
My question for my audience is have you seen your first shark? If you have already seen a shark for the first time where was it? Were you scared? Nervous? Excited?
Please answer in the comments below!!!!
Next Time: The Caribbean!!
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