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Monday, April 20, 2015

Why I'm doing this FOR PERSUASION!

So a week or go ago or so, someone asked me what I wanted to do for a career. My answer was to be a Marine Biologist so I can study Great White Sharks, which I'm already doing by studying Marine Biology at college. This person asking the question said to me "Now is there money in this kind of thing?"....

Now this kind of thing pisses me off I will say because it's not about the money (yes it would be great to make a bunch of money like Bruce Wayne, but...) IT'S ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE! It's about making a difference in the world and even protecting Great White Sharks themselves. I want to educate people on sharks because people think they are man-eaters! The person that even asked me about what I wanted to do even said "Make sure you keep them away from us"....

No...just no...this is the main reason why I decided to do yet another project on sharks because there are people like the person that asked me the question, that are not fully aware about everything about sharks. I know a good amount about sharks because I read shark books and then yes Shark Week, but whenever I see books about sharks I have to buy them. So I want to put more information out there for the world to see.

Which is why this blog is such a great idea! I get to educate all of you so that you can go out into the world and know that sharks don't mean any harm really they just make mistakes. Then with this information that you learn, you know that you should help conserve them because you now know that some shark species only have a couple of pups with a gestation of a least an average of a year!

This is why I do this, I do it to help us stay safe and understand them while helping out the sharks. To help promote my blog because I believe in it and want to make people open their minds, I wore a shark costume...around school for two days through classes and even meals....I did it all FOR PERSUASION!

It was very successful because I ended up being put on Yik Yak, and even Snapchat stories. By doing this, people saw my sign went on my blog and then walked away knowing how to protect and help educate people.

So I hope after reading this, my reasons are now much more clearer to you in what I am trying to do. Please remember that sharks are friends not enemies and should be respected like you respect your friends.

Next Time: East: Caribbean! and we get to look at Hammerheads, Black Tips, White Tips, and some others!

Photo Credits to my friends: Kaitlyn, Lilah, Greg, and Jo!

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